Battery emulators

Battery Emulators developed by SUPSONIK, SL allow full testing of equipment designed to work with this type of electric accumulators, such as battery chargers, inverters in electric substations, electronic systems of electric vehicles and any other converter powered by batteries.

These emulators allow the construction of test benches that replace real installations (battery banks) and have great advantages with respect to real installations:

  • Immediate energy availability at all times, since you do not have to wait until the battery bank is charged.
  • They allow the performance of tests in repeatable and controlled conditions.
  • They allow to quickly simulate variable battery conditions, from fully discharged to full charge battery, without needing to wait for the time necessary to charge a real battery.
  • Returning of power to the mains supply, which allows great savings in carrying out equipment tests.

Battery emulators are made up of an AC / DC converter that provides a clean and stable DC voltage, capable of supplying and absorbing current just like a real battery.

Voltage provided by the equipment can be varied during the operation of the emulator to simulate changes in the test conditions. Likewise, the control system allows to select the maximum current provided or absorbed by the emulator, stopping its operation if such level is reached. This provides an additional level of security compared to the use of an actual battery.

Another advantage of using an Emulator system is energy saving. In case the equipment to be tested is connected to the distribution network - as it is the usual case, the power taken from the network by the equipment under test is returned to the network by the Battery Emulator. Due to this energy recovery, it is possible to test high power equipments at full load with reduced input power - typically between 10 and 15% of the total power - reducing energy costs up to 85-90%.

Main features of Battery Emulators:

  • Rated power 110 kW, 330 kW, 500 kW
  • Supply voltage 400 V 3 ~ 50/60 Hz
  • Rated voltages 24 V, 125 V, 360 V (consult other versions)
  • Intensities up to 1250 A.
  • Configurable output voltage selection and maximum intensity.
  • Interface with customer´s SCADA, control by MODBUS, ETHERNET, etc ..
  • User software with all processes controlled from a PLC.
  • Local and remote control

The great variety of combinations of input voltages and output currents of these Emulators makes it necessary to adapt their design to the requested requirements. The Technical Office department of SUPSONIK, S.L. - in close collaboration with the Client - performs all necessary analyses so that the characteristics of these equipments satisfy all demanded requirements and adapt to the specific needs of the Client.

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